Put this code in your plugin function your_css_and_js() { wp_register_style(‘your_css_and_js’, plugins_url(‘style.css’,__FILE__ )); wp_enqueue_style(‘your_css_and_js’); wp_register_script( ‘your_css_and_js’, plugins_url(‘your_script.js’,__FILE__ )); wp_enqueue_script(‘your_css_and_js’); } add_action( ‘admin_init’,’your_css_and_js’); if you need to add it to theme, then function your_css_and_js() { wp_register_style(‘your_css_and_js’, theme_url(‘style.css’,__FILE__ )); wp_enqueue_style(‘your_css_and_js’); wp_register_script( ‘your_css_and_js’, theme_url(‘your_script.js’,__FILE__ )); wp_enqueue_script(‘your_css_and_js’); } add_action( ‘admin_init’,’your_css_and_js’); This page has been readed 119 times
Fail2ban worpdress
With this guide you can create a filter for fail2ban to block hack on wordpress login. To first create the filter and paste this code After add the jail in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf at the and of the file Now restart fail2ban In logpath parameter you need to specify the log file to analyse. In this case I’m […]
wordpress error 500 aruba
Hosting Linux and WordPress – prevent “500-Internal Server Error” The automatic update feature of the well-known Cms WordPress overwrites files and resets the CHMOD permissions according to the configuration setup by the developers. Such setting, for Linux Hosting web space, causes the error “500 – Internal Server Error”. To solve the error simply apply a […]
WordPress in subfolder
If you need to install wordpress in a subfolder and activate permalink you need edit the file subfolder/.htaccess file as follow This page has been readed 19870 times
wordpress trova e sostituisci
Ecco alcune query che ci possono aiutare durante la migrazione di worpress. In questo modo possiamo trovare tutti i link all’interno di post, pagine, immagini ed aggiornarli con il nuovo domino. Abbiamo bisogno di accedere al database SQL, per farlo comunemente i provider mettono a disposizione il phpmyadmin. Prima di eseguire ogni operazione è opportuno […]
wordpress find and replace
Recently we’ve helped a few of our clients move wordpress installations between domain names. This is a fairly easy process except that links that were made inside of posts, such as links to other posts, pages and images hosted on the site are likely to break. Also, if you change permalinks around a lot or […]