Hosting Linux and WordPress – prevent “500-Internal Server Error”

The automatic update feature of the well-known Cms WordPress overwrites files and resets the CHMOD permissions according to the configuration setup by the developers.

Such setting, for Linux Hosting web space, causes the error “500 – Internal Server Error”.

To solve the error simply apply a small modification (patch) in the “wp-config.php” file of WordPress, which will allow the correct setting of the permissions to be applied to files and folders following each new update of the application.

Therefore you need to:
• Download the “wp-config.php” file of Word Press, by using an Ftp Client (for example FileZilla);
• Open the “wp-config.php” file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad);
• Add the following lines in any position of the file:


• Save the file;
• Upload the file by overwriting the existing one.

Once such modification has been applied you can update WordPress automatically without causing any problems to the CHMOD permissions.

ATTENTION: this is not necessary for the WordPress installed through Applications Installer.

If your website displays an Internal Server Error follow the above instructions and then restore the permissions using the Tool found in the Control Panel.

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