This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License As the world’s most high-profile and most powerful virtualization solution (virtual machine), VMware Workstation 11 has been officially released. The new version brings many improvements and upgrades: adds support for Windows 10; improves the Unity for Windows 8.1; distributes the default RAM of […]
Linux toolbox – system command
Unix Toolbox Unix Toolbox This document is a collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users. This is a practical guide with concise explanations, however the reader is supposed to know what s/he is doing. Unix Toolbox revision 14.4 The latest version of this document can be […]
Fail2ban worpdress
With this guide you can create a filter for fail2ban to block hack on wordpress login. To first create the filter and paste this code After add the jail in /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf at the and of the file Now restart fail2ban In logpath parameter you need to specify the log file to analyse. In this case I’m […]
wordpress error 500 aruba
Hosting Linux and WordPress – prevent “500-Internal Server Error” The automatic update feature of the well-known Cms WordPress overwrites files and resets the CHMOD permissions according to the configuration setup by the developers. Such setting, for Linux Hosting web space, causes the error “500 – Internal Server Error”. To solve the error simply apply a […]
Solution for slow SSH login in CentOS 6
If SSH login is very slow in CentOS 6 it’s because they have added another security feature, the SSH server will do a reverse DNS again for any incoming connection, this will delay connection up to 13 seconds, to avoid this: Access the server Edit the ssh config nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Look for use dns […]
watch e sync
Ho creato questo script come descritto nel titolo “watch e sync” per osservare una determinata cartella e sincronizzarla tramite rsync su un’altro server. Nello specifico l’ho scritto per sincronizzare la document root di un server in load balance sulla piattaforma AWS cloud!!! This page has been readed 394 times
watcher and sync
I made this script so as the tile describe “watcher and sync” to watch a certain folder ans sync it to another server through rsync. I made it to sync the document root of a web server in load balance in AWS cloud!!! This page has been readed 550 times
du sort by size
How to use du sort by size With this command you can use du and sort by dimension. Source from This page has been readed 3080 times
du per dimensione
Quante volte hai cercato di elencare per file o cartelle per dimensione? Con questo comando puoi ottenerlo rapidamente!!! This page has been readed 452 times